
In this informative and entertaining account, Williams investigates cutting-edge research as she travels to frafrant cypress forests in Korea to meet the rangers who administer "forest healing programs", to the green hills of Scotland and its "ecotherapeutic" approach to caring for the mentally ill, to a river trip in Idaho with Iraqi vets suffering from PTSD, to the West Virginia mountains where she discovers how being outside helps children with ADHD.
Come join this community-based effort to install a diversity of native plants and improve animal habitat at a site once dominated by weeds! We will be mulching, planting, and/ or weeding next to a tidal marsh with a view of Mt. Tam.
Come learn how to become a community scientist and monitor the changes in the Mt. Tam herpetofauna community.
Stemming from the Mt. Tam Science Summit held last fall, Marin Municipal Water District and San Francisco State University have begun inventorying pollinators, primarily bees. This is the first time this part of Marin has ever been surveyed for pollinators. Join us to learn how to collect, clean and prepare specimens. Ages 13 and up. RSVP required as space is limited.
Conservancy Project Manager Tom Odgers will lead a tour of the sustainability features of the Crissy Field Center, including a brand new set of wind turbines, rainwater catchment, solar hot water, and more.
Drought Tolerant Native Plant Gardening
Presidio Native Plant Nursery
In this workshop, Rebecca Blanck-Weiss (Presidio Nursery Operations Coordinator and Landscape Designer) and Desmond Murray (Presidio Nursery Community Programs Manager) will get you starting on your California natives landscape, with emphasis on using drought-tolerant species.
The Park Stewardship team will lead a leisurely walk along the trails of Mori Point. A guide will describe the biodiversity of the area's ecosystem, as well as highlight its importance in the scientific community. Spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean and a new appreciation for spring wildflowers in San Francisco are guaranteed!
Come and learn about fire management policies and practices, and see a controlled fire demonstration at Muir Beach!
Join us for this peaceful stroll in the Presidio forests. We will explore simple ways to connect and reconnect with nature through short mindful meditations. No prior experience is necessary, just an open mind!
Join the Nature Journal Club for a 1.5 hour workshop to help you sketch marine mammals as you see them in the field. Whether you draw from shore or head out whale watching, this class will help you capture the moments on paper.