
Join us to remove large but hidden stands of French Broom from the interior of Pine Point. Increase your knowledge of Marin's unique plant and animal life while contributing to their continued survival.
We will be planting native plants in order to help stabilize the banks of the creek. Woody debris structures have recently been installed in the creek at the sites where we will plant, which provide shelter to juvenile salmonids including coho salmon, Chinook salmon and steelhead trout.
Join us for a evening hosted by the California Alpine Club to explore Mt. Tam's place in our community as a creative force, told through a section of Gary Yost's films featuring inspired stories of connection.
Enjoy a Saturday morning hike, guided by Friends of Mt. Tam volunteers.
Join us as we perform maintenance on this lovely trail and do much needed storm repair and drainage improvements.
Help study California's only freshwater turtle.
Join local hydrologist Peter Hartsough and MMWD staff Mike Swezy to learn more about how the hydrology of West Peak influences the watersheds it feeds, and how geology and climate in turn influence the mountain's hydrology.
Join filmmaker Gary Yost and Marin Municipal Water District ranger Matt Cerkel on Mt. Tam for a special talk about the true peak of our beloved mountain.
Join UC Davis Soil Scientist Dr. Vic Claassen and Claire Mooney, Deputy Director of the Parks Conservancy's Design & Planning Department to learn more about the geology of West Peak, and how this informs restoration alternatives.
Stemming from the Mt. Tam Science Summit held last fall, Marin Municipal Water District and San Francisco State University have begun inventorying pollinators, primarily bees. This is the first time this part of Marin has ever been surveyed for pollinators. Join us to learn how to collect, clean and prepare specimens. Ages 13 and up. RSVP required as space is limited.