Want to Apply?
Send an email to goga_jl@nps.gov or call/text 415-855-5029 to request an application.

Junior Lifeguards is a free summer program educating local youth ages 13-17 in ocean awareness, beach safety, and lifeguarding skills such as ocean swimming and first aid. Participants will learn rescue skills from National Park Service lifeguards, with most classes meeting at Stinson Beach. The program incorporates interaction with a range of emergency services personnel from the NPS and other agencies. Many of our activities will take place in the ocean, so ownership of a wetsuit is highly recommended. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will know how to identify and safely swim out of rip currents, perform basic ocean rescues, know the first steps of what to do in a medical emergency, and have in-depth knowledge of the coastal Marin area of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Read full details of the program, including key dates, and apply here.