Historic Sites

Volunteer at work in Lands End
Become a Habitat Steward and help restore unique San Francisco coastal habitat.
Volunteer at work in Lands End
Become a Habitat Steward and help restore unique San Francisco coastal habitat.
Volunteers Working in Black Point Historic Gardens
Sat, Jul 06 10:00am-1:00pm
Sat, Aug 03 10:00am-1:00pm
Sat, Sep 07 10:00am-1:00pm
Sat, Oct 05 10:00am-1:00pm
Sat, Nov 02 10:00am-1:00pm
Sat, Dec 07 10:00am-1:00pm
Black Point Meeting Location
Help us restore the long-neglected gardens of East Black Point, a spectacular park site tucked away above the bustling San Francisco waterfront.
Orange, black and white monarch butterfly seen landing on purple milkweed flowers.
Join us in a community planting day over MLK Day Weekend to enhance Monarch habitat!
Volunteer at work in Lands End
Join us for MLK Weekend of Service and become a Habitat Steward and help restore unique San Francisco coastal habitat.
Orange, black and white monarch butterfly seen landing on purple milkweed flowers.
Join us in a community planting day to enhance Monarch habitat!
Orange, black and white monarch butterfly seen landing on purple milkweed flowers.
Join us in a community planting day to enhance Monarch habitat!
The view from the Alcatraz Cruises boat to Alcatraz Island.
Get a sneak peek at new things to find on the island as we celebrate 50 years of Alcatraz being open to the public as a national park site.
Seal Rocks seen in the Pacific Ocean near San Francisco's Lands End.
A sign at Lands End states: "Terrains that have been shaped by human activity in response to nature have a name—cultural landscapes." Here's a sampling of what you can learn on one of our member tours of the area.
A sunset photo of the rainbow pride flag flying in the parks.
Gateways Article
Time travel is a walk in the park in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA). For Pride Month and beyond, let’s make our way through some of the queer history in the parks. In more recent history, our park sites existed as military bases and fortifications—see the batteries and...