
Red-tailed Hawk

Buteo jamaicensis

Hawk Hill sightings peak mid-September and again in early November
Adult shows trash to curious boy on his dad's shoulders on Ocean Beach in San Francisco.
What do we love more than our local beaches? Healthy beaches.
A juvenile Northern Harrier after banding. GGRO bands an average of just 10 Northern Harriers per season, but counted 600 Northern Harrier sightings from Hawk Hill in 2018.
To get warmed up for our favorite time of year—raptor migration season, that is—and GGRO’s incredible 35th year in existence, we’re taking a look back at the best photos from hawkwatch over the last few years.
Design concept rendering from Crissy Field Next project.
Our Work
Since kicking off Crissy Field Next in fall 2018, your thoughtful feedback, creative design ideas, and compassionate community considerations have inspired us. So, what did we do with all of your ideas? Take a look!
The chicks look anxious for their next meal. From the nest cameras on UC Berkeley’s Campanile Tower where Peregrine Falcons Annie and Grinnell have been nesting since 2017, and two baby chicks hatched in April 2019.
Our Work
The falcon chicks have hatched, and the world is watching! Check out our favorite moments in this gallery.
Three woman wearing sunglasses smile for photo.
Kick back at a Trail Mixer "happy hour" hosted by the Parks Conservancy and experience your national park sites in a new way!
A red-and-white fly agaric mushroom at Point Reyes.
We often look up at the beauty of the Golden Gate National Parks, but sometimes you can find beauty by looking down. And under. And around. That's what San Francisco Park Stewardship Intern Gabriel Tigreros has been doing lately, documenting every mushroom he can find in the Golden Gate National...
bobcat on mount tam
Our Work
The Marin Wildlife Watch , a project of the One Tam partner agencies , offers a glimpse into the secret lives of bobcats, foxes, coyotes, and many other wild critters on Mount Tam, and to monitor their populations over time. Each image helps us compose a broader portrait of the...
Give back in the morning during a volunteer event then kick back with incredible views, all hosted by the Parks Conservancy, the nonprofit supporting the Golden Gate National Parks.
Snow on a boulder on mount tam at sunrise.
On February 5, 2019, there was a rare snowy day on Mount Tamalpais.