
Bald Eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Hawk Hill sightings not frequent
Prairie Falcon

Falco mexicanus

Hawk Hill sightings peak late August
Northern Goshawk

Accipiter gentilis

Hawk Hill sightings rare
American Kestrel

Falco sparverius

Hawk Hill sightings throughout the season

Falco columbarius

Hawk Hill sightings peak late September through mid-November
Peregrine Falcon
Birds in the Golden Gate National Parks

Falco peregrinus

Hawk Hill sightings peak late September through early December.
Red-shouldered Hawk

Buteo lineatus

Hawk Hill sightings mid-September through mid-October
Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura

Hawk Hill sightings throughout season
Sharp-shinned Hawk

Accipiter striatus

Hawk Hill sightings peak mid-September through early November
Cooper's Hawk

Accipiter cooperii

Hawk Hill sightings peak mid-September through early November