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Press Coverage

Los Angeles Times

The Alcatraz exhibition, opening Sept. 27, will feature sculptures, sound installations and other mixed-media work scattered among various locations on the Northern California island.

CBS News

Recently a new generation of natural "wanderers" embarked on a monumental task in Muir Woods, a national monument named in honor of America's most famous naturalist John Muir.

Marin Independent Journal

Endangered species transferred from creek to hatchery until habitat improves

Los Angeles Times

Ai's Alcatraz show is a joint project of the National Park Service and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, which oversee the penitentiary-turned-park, and the San Francisco-based For-Site Foundation, a nonprofit that commissions artwork in public places.

San Francisco Chronicle

What a difference a year makes. Last September, all eyes were on the bay for the America's Cup, starring Larry Ellison. This year, we're casting our glances in the same direction to Alcatraz, for the exhibition of the dissident Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.