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Press Coverage


Starting Sept. 27, the former island penitentiary turned U.S. national park in San Francisco Bay will offer visitors the opportunity to view seven installations custom-designed by the artist and activist Ai Weiwei.

San Jose Mercury News

There's nothing subtle about the work of Ai Weiwei, the internationally known Chinese political dissident and artist who designed the striking exhibition titled "@Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz," opening Saturday and running through April 26. His comment on freedom of expression and human rights -- through images of political prisoners captured here in one of the world's most infamous lockups -- echo loudly, like the clank of cellblock doors.

San Jose Mercury News

On September 27th visitors to Alcatraz Island will get an extra element to explore, an art exhibit by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, @Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz. The exhibit explores human rights and freedom of expression in seven site-specific installations in four locations, some areas not usually open to the public, throughout the island.

San Francisco Bay Guardian

A recording is from Illumination, one of the sound installations, which makes use of the prison hospital – an Alcatraz site not normally open to daytime visitors.


The title of international art star Ai Weiwei’s installation on Alcatraz, @Large, is a contradiction, since the artist himself is anything but. The unusual exhibition on the site of the famous penitentiary opens this weekend and explores themes of freedom and imprisonment.