
Teens Volunteering with Stewardship Trails Program
Merrie Way Trailhead
Take a break from the classroom in the great outdoors with Teens on Trails!
Alcatraz Gardens Class Series: Herbarium and Plant Pressing
Alcatraz Gardens
This class will have two parts. The first part will be a quick class about herbaria, what they are, how they are used, and a demonstration for how to create herbarium sheets. The second part will entail the students making their own herbarium sheets using plants pre-pressed from Alcatraz gardens. Finally, there will be an optional section where people can bring their own books or other pressing materials and learn how to not-so-scientifically press plants for their own enjoyment.
Mori Point Gate
Help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat while enjoying a day in the park.
Stewardship Intern at Work
Alta Avenue Trail Head
Become a Park Steward and help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat in Marin.
Stewardship Intern at Work
Alta Avenue Trail Head
Become a Park Steward and help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat in Marin.
Stewardship Intern at Work
Alta Avenue Trail Head
Become a Park Steward and help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat in Marin.
Stewardship Intern at Work
Alta Avenue Trail Head
Become a Park Steward and help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat in Marin.
Hawk Hill Trail
Hawk Hill
Many hands are needed to make Hawk Hill a safer and more beautiful place for all who visit! Hawk Hill is a popular visitor destination well known for its beautiful vistas and a place to observe migrating raptors. Join in to paint over unsightly graffiti on military Battery Construction 129...
Samuel P. Taylor State Park
Join us for a habitat restoration project in Samuel P. Taylor State Park!
Samuel P. Taylor State Park
Join us for a habitat restoration project in Samuel P. Taylor State Park!