
Muir Beach parking lot
Join our yearly tradition, “Mt. Tam Day of Thanks,” a large volunteer work day to celebrate and give thanks for our beloved mountain.
volunteer; Eid
Merrie Way Trailhead
Cultural festivals, traditions and holidays offer an opportunity to get together, share stories and food, and celebrate each other. Everyone is welcome to join and learn about this celebration of the Hindu Lunar calendar!
Habitat Restoration in Tennessee Valley
Tennessee Valley Native Plant Nursery
Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Habitat Restoration in Tennessee Valley
Stinson Beach Parking Lot
Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Tracking for Journalers
Our Work
Crissy Field Center
Join the Nature Journal Club for a 1.5 hour workshop on an important fundamental skill in building your field sketching skills! October's workshop is taught by guest instructor and tracker Marley Peifer and will focus on how to add tracking details to your nature journal.
Trail Stewardship Volunteers
Tennessee Valley Parking Lot
Join the Golden Gate Trail Crew and help repair, maintain and enhance trails in the Golden Gate National Parks.
Rock Spring Trailhead (intersection of Pantoll Rd & Ridgecrest Blvd)
Due to environmental conditions leading to increased wildfire risks and local power outages, this event has been canceled. Did you know that some grasslands on Mt. Tam are shrinking? Join our efforts to maintain these important areas! This event is part of the Nature Space program , offered in partnership...
Marin Municipal Water District Office
During this event, we will teach you about the Wildlife Picture Index (WPI) and you will participate in the cataloging and identification of wildlife.
Marin Municipal Water District Office
During this event, we will teach you about the Wildlife Picture Index (WPI) and you will participate in the cataloging and identification of wildlife.
Marin Municipal Water District Office
During this event, we will teach you about the Wildlife Picture Index (WPI) and you will participate in the cataloging and identification of wildlife.