Park Projects

Crissy Field view
Our Work
Once a military site covered with asphalt and debris, Crissy Field was transformed into a beloved national park in 2001 thanks to the generosity and energy of the community.
Participants at the 2018 One Tam Science Summit: "Into the Woods."
Our Work
There is so much about Mount Tamalpais that binds us. Now we’ve launched an approach to the care and stewardship of the mountain that is just as unifying and all-embracing: the Tamalpais Lands Collaborative (TLC).
Bridge over historic batteries
Our Work
A new ADA-accessible bicycle/pedestrian bridge links the south end of the Golden Gate Bridge to the Presidio Coastal Trail, while protecting historic batteries.
Lands End Coastal Trail
Our Work
The Lands End Lookout welcomes visitors and orients them to the rugged landscape and evocative human stories contained within this site's panoramic views.
Oakwood Valley
Our Work
Just north of the Marin Headlands, Oakwood Valley features a hiking trail loop that winds through native grassland and the largest stand of oak and bay forest in the Golden Gate National Parks. The Parks Conservancy's Park Stewardship program works hard to protect these valuable resources by engaging the community and volunteers in restoration efforts.
Mori Point
Our Work
Community volunteers are helping to restore Mori Point and improve habitat for the threatened California red-legged frog and the endangered San Francisco garter snake.
Brainstorming solutions to deferred maintenance in the parks
Park E-Ventures Article
On Feb. 10-11, 2018, technologists, business leaders and sustainability experts met with former National Park Service staff to brainstorm innovative ways that technology could address the park maintenance backlog and improve the experience of staff and visitors alike in our national parks.
Presidio Parklands Project
December 9, 2014
Once completed in 2018, the new New Presidio Parklands Project will offer visitors an unparalleled experience of the Golden Gate.
Presidio Coastal Trail Pedestrian Bridge
December 8, 2015
Improvements to the spectacular Presidio Coastal Trail corridor south of the Golden Gate Bridge, including the construction of a new bicycle/pedestrian bridge that connects the trail to Merchant Road is now open after several years of work by the National Park Service, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, and the Presidio Trust.
Presidio Visitor Center
January 11, 2017
The Presidio of San Francisco is taking a major leap forward in welcoming the public to what has become one of America’s most unique and surprising national parks.