Park Projects

Design concept rendering from Crissy Field Next project.
Our Work
Since kicking off Crissy Field Next in fall 2018, your thoughtful feedback, creative design ideas, and compassionate community considerations have inspired us. So, what did we do with all of your ideas? Take a look!
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy President & CEO Greg Moore.
Gateways Article
In 33 years with Greg Moore at the helm, the Parks Conservancy and its partners have helped transform and restore Crissy Field, Lands End, and Fort Baker, ushered in the Presidio as its own national park, and built thousands of miles of trails.
Our Work
Check out these before and after images of places like Mori Point, Muir Beach, and Crissy Field, and see what a difference your support makes in the parks.
Presidio Coastal Trail Bike/Pedestrian Bridge
Our Work
At the end of summer 2015, an exciting new trail feature graced the southern end of the Golden Gate. Visitors are able to connect directly to the Presidio Coastal Trail, via a striking new bike/pedestrian “bridge” over the historic batteries.
Our Work
See what community members like you love about Crissy Field.
Redwood Creek in Muir Woods
Our Work
The Redwood Creek Watershed Collaborative has supported numerous trail, interpretation, safety, and natural and cultural resource projects in in Muir Woods since 2012.
Rodeo Beach
Our Work
The wetlands near the parking area at Rodeo Beach have been the focus of National Park Service and Parks Conservancy restoration efforts.
Fort Baker historic buildings
Our Work
Historically a military post, Fort Baker has been transformed into a welcoming national park site with miles of hiking trails, stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge, restored historic structures and natural habitat, and a LEED-Gold certified national park lodge.
View of Alcatraz from Inspiration Point Overlook
Our Work
Perched above Tennessee Hollow, Inspiration Point...
Golden Gate Overlook
Our Work
The Pacific and Golden Gate Overlooks offer stunning views and respite for visitors to the Presidio's western coastline.