See a verdant redwood forest reborn here at the southern tip of the Golden Gate National Parks. This tranquil park was once severely logged and century-old redwood stumps and remnants of steam mills are still in evidence. But along its miles of trails, and tumbling creeks, second-growth redwoods and firs are rising again.
- You can park near the lot at Huddart County Park on the southern side and enter Phleger Estate.
From Private Estate to National Park
Herman Phleger, a respected San Francisco lawyer, and his wife Mary Elena Phleger bought the large country house above West Union Creek (then known as Mountain Meadow) in 1931. They were early supporters of the Save-the-Redwoods League and in 1994 Mary Phleger sold the estate to the Peninsula Open Space Trust. The land was later turned over to National Park Service management.
The Logging Industry
After gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill in 1848, San Francisco’s population exploded. The need to build homes, hotels, businesses, and other buildings helped fuel a lucrative logging industry, including Phleger Estate.
Steam Mills
Union Creek, which winds along the estate’s eastern edge, once powered more than a dozen mills. The mill operations were seasonal during the wet winter months. From 1852-1855, entrepreneur Willard Whipple logged the area and traces of the upper and lower mill still remain on site today.