The most gorgeous view possible of this location occurs during sunset. The rocky shore is even more dramatic when the surf is rough against it and the sun a warm orange-pink. The short path, beginning in the parking lot of Lands Ends Lookout off Point Lobos Street, will lead you down around the bath house ruins and up the hill to possibly the best view of the site. You have to have pretty good balance if you choose to walk along the baths themselves, but it is worth it. Take a chance to peer into them; you will even see an actual ladder from the original structure.
Once you make your way up the hillside part of the path, you will start to see more concrete and an overlook with a staircase that is blocked off. Truly, that section is dangerous and warnings should be heeded. However, the main overlook part is not blocked off and offers a marvelous lookout of the Pacific.
Elevation Profile