
An aerial view of the Presidio Tunnel Tops, looking out to the San Francisco city skyline.
Crissy Field Center
Please join us Tuesday, April 4th at the Presidio Tunnel Tops to learn about De Colores Arts. Come andtry out different art & movement activities, meet new friends, learn about enrolling, and get to know your De Colores Arts instructors and team.
Presidio Volunteer
Presidio Transit Center Help tend to the health of the Presidio’s historic forests.
Graphic for "Intertribal Dance Gathering: Dancing is Our Medicine" event
Presidio Tunnel Tops
The Native American Health Center welcomes indigenous communities and the greater public to enjoy healing dances by California tribes (Ohlone, Hupa, Kumeyaay), Round Dance songs by Mike Bellanger (Kickapoo, Sac & Fox), screen printing by Smithsonian featured artist Calixto Robles (Zapotec), Beading with Kalley Roanhorse (Diné) and more!
Graphic titled Alcatraz City Cruises' Community by the Bay
Pier 33
Alcatraz City Cruises’ 2023 Community Day by the Bay is a full day of free, family-friendly activities!
A festive Passover image
Black Point Meeting Location
Join us for a day of land stewardship, art, and nosh surrounded by blooming CA Poppies at the Black Point historic gardens on Sunday April 2–the last weekend before Passover begins.
Pink Full Moon Hike and Party Design
Presidio Tunnel Tops
Join us for a one-of-a-kind party under April's Pink Full Moon at Presidio Tunnel Tops!
Volunteers at Crissy Field
Stinson Beach Parking Lot
Help restore and maintain the Stinson Beach shoreline.
Volunteers work with manzanita cuttings
Presidio Native Plant Nursery
Learn to grow and care for native plants while helping to preserve and restore your national park.
Volunteers work with manzanita cuttings
Presidio Native Plant Nursery
Learn to grow and care for native plants while helping to preserve and restore your national park.
Barred owl in Muir Woods National Monument
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Join docent Steffen on a strenuous five-mile dusk hike in search of owls struggling for supremacy in the old growth forest. Reservations required.