On the windswept coast south of the City, Milagra Ridge boasts views to the edge of the Pacific horizon. This scrub-covered ridgeline is critical habitat, home to Red-tailed Hawks and the endangered mission blue butterfly. It is the site of intensive restoration by Park Stewardship staff and volunteers.
Wildlife at Milagra benefit greatly from restoration work and volunteer efforts organized by the Conservancy’s Park Stewardship program, which holds drop-in programs and special workdays.
- The entrance to Milagra Ridge is off of Sharp Park Road in Pacifica. From Highway 1, follow Sharp Park Road to the east, or from Skyline Boulevard (Highway 35), follow Sharp Park Road to the west. Turn north on College Drive and continue 0.25-mile to roadside parking at the gate.
- Volunteer to restore habitat and ensure that this sensitive ecosystem—and the endangered species it supports—continue to thrive.
- A composting (vault) toilet has been installed at Milagra for visitors’ convenience.
First used by native Ohlone, this land was later claimed by Spanish settlers and Mexican rancheros. The U.S. Army installed a gun battery here in the 1940s, and during the Cold War built a Nike missile station on Milagra and nearby Sweeney Ridge. Remnants of Battery Construction #244 and a Nike launch site still dot the ridge.
In 1987, Milagra was brought into the Golden Gate National Parks.