Black Point Historic Gardens: Then and Now

Black Point Historic Gardens is one of the San Francisco Bay Area’s newest national park sites, a one-acre hillside that connects San Francisco’s Aquatic Park to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) at Fort Mason. 

Since the 1850s, walkways, stairs, and gardens have led from bluff-top residences to the waterfront. August 2021 marks the first time this area will be open to the general public. This public, open space is an example of the lasting impact of the dedication of the Parks Conservancy, the National Park Service, donors, volunteers and valued community partners.  

See that transformation unfold in front of your eyes with our sliders below! Just click in the middle of the image and drag from one side to the other to see then vs. now.

In 2017, the Parks Conservancy and the National Park Service began a collaborative project to repair and rebuild Black Point historic gardens.

Decades of overgrown vegetation and over 2,000 pounds of trash were removed with the help of community volunteers, contractors, and staff.

For 65 years, the terraced hillside had been fenced off and untended, growing wild and shut away from the public. The reopened trails will give visitors a new way to connect from Fort Mason to Aquatic Park.

To date, park volunteers have contributed 2,075 hours towards the rehabilitation of Black Point historic gardens. The Mission Bay Development Group donated 8,000 native plants and grasses, which you can see throughout the site.

“The prospect of bringing community back into this space after 70 years is really uplifting,” said Shelagh Fritz, Garden Program Manager at the Parks Conservancy. “So many people rediscovered gardening during the pandemic as a way to reconnect with nature. We hope to engage new folks into the world of gardening.”

The 2021 opening of Black Point historic gardens marks the first time the space will be open to the public. This is just the beginning, and we can’t wait to watch it bloom alongside you.

The Parks Conservancy would like to thank members and park champions who have provided the support that has enabled Black Point historic gardens to thrive once again. In particular, a generous legacy gift from member and volunteer Judy Doi helped complete the project. Thanks to all those who support parks in any way they can.

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