Park Rangers

Meet the beloved national park rangers who've welcomed visitors, taught us about the parks, and elevated the history of the GGNRA. Our appreciation for these rangers runs deep.

Ranger Rik Penn leads a program with youth at Fort Point in March 2018.
Gateways Article
Beloved Ranger Fredrick—or Rik—Penn is retiring after 30 years of public service. Penn is passionate about storytelling, sharing the history and impact of the Buffalo Soldiers, and increasing visitation to our public lands for all people.
Penny Tibbetts
Park E-Ventures Article
Penny Tibbetts, a law enforcement ranger at Golden Gate, recounts her journey in becoming the first ranger in the National Park Service to transition genders while on duty.
Buffalo Soldiers
Park E-Ventures Article
On the 150th anniversary of the formation of the African American Buffalo Soldiers regiments, learn about their vital role in the history of the national parks (and of the Presidio)—and discover why Teddy Roosevelt had a special place in his heart for them.

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