Where Do We Go From Here?


The Golden Gate Bridge along the Presidio

As the Institute enters its fifth year, staff members are poised to emerge from the initial start-up phase—ready to build on early successes and launch into a broader range of programmed activities to affect change.

Recently, the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy Board of Trustees reviewed an “action plan” for the Institute, outlining a five-year strategy of programming and goals, with a more detailed action plan for the next two years.

This two-year “drill down” includes measurable goals, activities, and deadlines for each key program and activity area: Food, Health, and Climate. This two-year plan also includes two programs still in the planning stage, and is designed to propel the Institute firmly into the next stage of our development.

The Institute staff is excited to shift our focus from a broad range of environmental sustainability and stewardship concerns to programs and actions primarily linking parks and other protected land areas to larger societal/environmental issues and solutions. Our primary focus will be substantive, programmatic work. We aim to be a catalyst and, ultimately, a leader pioneering new policies and practices through proven implementation.

The Institute at the Golden Gate champions sustainable development and environmental stewardship. Our mission is to drive action, solutions, and positive change on the critical issues of our time. By leveraging our expertise and networks—especially those in parks and protected areas—the Institute works to incubate and implement new ideas, policies, and practices where they have a clear and measurable impact.

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