It’s rare for a human-made structure to deepen the beauty of its surrounding natural landscape, but the Golden Gate Bridge is that exception. Just look at Instagram. A photo of the Golden Gate Bridge is an almost-guaranteed “double tap.”
On your next visit, don’t rely on the Bridge’s photogenic qualities to make your photo pop. We compiled tips to help you improve your next photo of the Golden Gate Bridge. And scroll down for some of the best shots we’ve found, for inspiration.
While you’re out exploring and documenting, tag us on Instagram in your post (@parksconservancy) and use the hashtag #parks4all for a chance to be featured on our website!
How to Shoot the Golden Gate Bridge
Experiment with angles and perspectives. With enough imagination, even a staple of Instagram like the Golden Gate Bridge can be photographed with a fresh perspective. Challenge yourself by scoping out locations/vistas and testing perspectives. Too much sky? Try lowering your camera down to the plant level. Spotting the bridge through a grove of trees? Stop exactly where the angle is most powerful and snap that shot.
See a list of our favorite places to view the Golden Gate Bridge.
Wait for the “golden hour." This term refers to the hour or so after sunrise or before sunset when the sunlight softens and showcases its red hues, creating a magical, golden light.
Clouds make a landscape image pop. Pay attention to the comings and goings of storms, that’s when landscapes are at their most dramatic. If you photograph right before a storm or right after (or during if you have protective equipment), that’s when the clouds are the most visually stirring.