Family: Accipitridae
Average annual sightings on Hawk Hill: 611; Hawk Hill sightings throughout season
Total banded by GGRO as of 2018: 323
Size: length 17-23 inches; wingspan 38-48 inches; raven size
Key Field Marks: long, narrow wings and long, straight tail; white rump (not tail) patch; facial disk; hooded appearance;
Adult male: gray above, light gray below with black-tipped secondaries and outer primaries;
Adult female: brown above, light below with brown streaks;
Juvenile: brown above, orange below with streaking near collar
Flight: rocking, sweeping flight when low over ground; wings held in dihedral; may appear falcon-like in high altitude flight
(Average annual sightings based on 2006-2017 data; 2010 and 2013 data not included due to partial seasons)