By Elizabeth Aldenderfer
Park Stewardship Trail Crew Intern
A foggy, cold morning in Tennessee Valley welcomed the Trail Stewardship team this past National Trails Day. Despite the less-than-ideal weather, droves of motivated community members joined Parks Conservancy and National Parks Service staff on June 1 to care for trails and the habitat surrounding them. We gathered early to learn a bit about Tennessee Valley history, snack on our world famous Trail Crew granola bars and coffee, and chat with REI and the Slow and Say Hello Campaign. Then, we got to work brushing and crowning the Lower Tennessee Valley Trail, restoring the Marincello Trail by removing French broom, and clearing the tent pads at Haypress Campground.
If you’re unfamiliar with National Trails Day, it’s an annual event hosted by the American Hiking Society on the first Saturday of June each year. The day gives recognition to trails as a primary source of resource protection and as pathways to connect people to the outdoors. Groups celebrate their trails through a range of activities, such as workshops, dedications, equestrian and mountain bike rides, and water trail paddling. Events are hosted in all 50 states, from Florida to Alaska and everywhere in between, and led by national, state, and non-profit organizations, community groups, and individuals.
Projects in the Bay Area this year weren’t limited to Tennessee Valley. The Parks Conservancy and our partners at One Tam and California State Parks also led projects at Mori Point, Lands End, and on Mount Tam. Here’s what we accomplished:
- HAULED over 20 cubic yards of dirt material.
- REMOVED 6 bags of poison hemlock.
- FILLED 29 bags of introduced species at Lands End.
- MAINTAINED 600 square feet of trail.
- PULLED 758 individual French Broom plants.
- BRUSHED 100 square feet of trail.
- DECK FLOSSED 2 bridges.
You certainly know how to get your hands dirty and appreciate your trails!
If you weren’t able to make it out this year, we hope to see you during our regular drop-in hours and/or at next year’s event! Keep a lookout on our website for updates on these programs. Until then, happy trails!