Interpretive Walks

Ranger Kelsi Ju leads a class of students in the Marin Headlands

Explore the Golden Gate National Parks with the experts. As they guide you through the Parks, Conservancy staff, park rangers, and other dedicated naturalists and historians offer their stories and expertise on an assortment of exciting themes.

Kid with binoculars staring at Crissy Field Marsh.
Sat, Oct 05 10:00am-1:00pm
East Beach Picnic Trailhead
Come join us and Bay Nature Magazine and the Parks Conservancy for a unique bioblitz at Crissy Field Marsh!
People walking into Battery Townsley
Tue, Oct 08 4:00pm-6:00pm
Battery Townsley
Join us for a walk around Fort Cronhkite and visit Battery Townsley to learn more about the rich history within the Marin Headlands.
Friends taking photos at Rock Spring
Mon, Nov 04 1:00pm-3:00pm
Rock Spring Trailhead (intersection of Pantoll Rd & Ridgecrest Blvd)
Join us for a walk at Rock Spring with Danny Franco about their forest health work and projects.
Stairway down to Sutro Baths
Wed, Nov 06 3:00am-5:00pm
Lands End Lookout Visitor Center
Join historian John Martini on a two-hour walk and learn the history of San Francisco’s famous Cliff House and the ruins of Sutro Baths.

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