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Press Coverage

The Crissy Field Center's new interim facility at Crissy Field East Beach harmonizes user experience with its eco-features. Over more than 7,200 square feet, the building includes a science lab, a media lab, a youth leadership room, a sustainable arts room, and the Beach Hut snack bar much in the spirit of the beloved Warming Hut Cafe and Bookstore.

San Francisco Chronicle

The new interim Crissy Field Center facility at the eastern edge of Crissy Field traveled from conception to near-completion in just nine months. The project was put on the fast track after the starting date for one of the Bay Area's largest and most anticipated public works projects, the reconstruction of the Doyle Drive/Presidio Parkway approach to the Golden Gate Bridge, was moved forward to the summer of 2009 from its original start date in 2011.

U.S. Department of the Interior

The 2009 Take Pride in America National Award was awarded to recipients in 10 different categories. The Parks Conservancy was recognized as an outstanding federal program and Terry Kreidler with the Golden Gate National Parks was a recipient in the federal land manager category.

Bay Nature

The magazine Bay Nature covers the remarkable restoration work at Mori Point, which features a profusion of spring wildflowers; habitat for rare, threatened, and endangered species; breathtaking vistas from coastal bluffs; and an astonishing community stewardship effort led by the Parks Conservancy.

New America Media

New America Media, in its mission to "expand the news lens through ethnic media," covers the "Parks For All" conference on April 22 and highlights ongoing efforts to reach out to communities that historically have not visited the national parks and to tell their untold stories.