Presidio Visitors Center

Legacy Gifts



When you make the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy a beneficiary in your estate plan, your legacy helps make possible:

  • Thousands of children and youth in environmental education programs
  • New trails, bikeways, overlooks, and visitor centers
  • Tens of thousands of volunteers engaging in park stewardship
  • Restored habitat for endangered and threatened species
  • Hundreds of thousands of native plants revitalizing ecosystems
  • An infinitely expanding web of ecological knowledge
  • And countless moments of wonder, from young people visiting a national park for the first time.

We can help you arrange a convenient and tax-efficient way to give long-term support to the parks through your:

  • Will
  • Charitable trust
  • Retirement plan assets
  • Life insurance policies

Your parks need you now

Your support helps fight climate change and promote park sustainability—please give now.