Puns and Punchlines: A Party Mix of Park Jokes
Check out our classic #ParkPuns in time for International Joke Day

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It’s time to tickle your funny bone! Sure, the parks can inspire reflective moments and everlasting memories, but these special places can also be hilarious in their own way.
During the frenzy of BioBlitz 2014 in the Golden Gate National Parks, we quietly launched a new campaign on Twitter called #ParkPuns to tap into the lighter side of the parks—and to showcase our own nerd-tastic humor.
With International Joke Day on July 1, we collected our most popular puns for your sharing pleasure:
For more knee-slapping, rib-tickling jokes, be sure to follow the Conservancy on Twitter (@parks4all) and Facebook (facebook.com/parksconservancy).
And we know you have a pun-nomenal sense of humor. Post your best (aka worst) pun to Facebook or Twitter and tag it with #ParkPuns.