Chris has worked with raptors for 15 years and one of his first field jobs was as an intern for the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory. After leaving, Chris finished his BS in Biology at Virginia Tech. He received his MSc and PhD working on Swainson’s Hawks in California examining a number of aspects of their ecology, conservation and population dynamics. In particular, his PhD research focused on carry-over effects and plumage polymorphisms of Swainson’s Hawks. After completing his PhD Chris traveled to Israel and assisted on a number of studies at Ben Gurion University of the Negev involving predator-prey interactions.
Chris started in 2012 as the Banding Program Manager and is currently the Research Director. Primarily he is responsible for managing the raptor banding program. Chris has implemented a number of studies (e.g., GSM tracking) while at GGRO and strives to ensure safe and productive banding season during the autumn raptor migration.