MARIN COUNTY, CA: To help maintain the long-term health and preservation of Mount Tamalpais (Mt. Tam), the Tamalpais Lands Collaborative (TLC), has launched OneTam, an initiative to raise awareness and build community support around efforts to care for the mountain’s treasured resources.
An innovative and integrated approach to the stewardship of public lands, the TLC combines the resources, skills, and expertise of four public land managers and one nonprofit. The Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD), National Park Service, California State Parks, Marin County Parks, and the nonprofit Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy have combined forces to support conservation, stewardship, and public enjoyment of the nearly 10 square miles of local, state, and national parklands that encompass the Mt. Tam region.
“It’s through community engagement and support that Mt. Tam has been protected for 100 years. And it’s through OneTam that we can help it for another century,” said Greg Moore, President and CEO of the Parks Conservancy.
The unofficial symbol of Marin County, Mt. Tam encompasses some of the most beautiful, ecologically rich, and well-loved open spaces in the region, and the primary source of drinking water for 75% of Marin’s population. However, the mountain and the agencies that protect it face mounting challenges including biodiversity and habitat loss, the effects of climate change, inadequate wayfinding, trail maintenance, limited amenities, and programs that are at or near capacity.
Through OneTam (OneTam.org), the TLC aims to build community involvement—by engaging more volunteers in caring for Mt. Tam’s resources, and renewing the spirit of philanthropy fundamental to the preservation of the mountain for the past 100 years. Visitors to OneTam.org can learn about the TLC’s shared aspirations for the mountain, including restored habitat, revitalized watersheds, improved trails and visitor experiences, broadened volunteer and philanthropic opportunities, and enhanced interpretive and educational programming. The website also includes an updated map of the region’s trail network, along with a calendar of events for community hikes and upcoming volunteer opportunities, and a designated donation page.
Founding supporters of the initiative will receive a selection of official OneTam gifts including a OneTam trail map, magnetic bumper sticker, and the classic Michael Schwab poster of Mt. Tam. All donations will go toward supporting priority conservation and restoration projects, education programs, visitor amenities, and stewardship activities.
To kick off the OneTam initiative, TLC partners will be hosting a “Mt. Tam Day of Thanks,” on Saturday, November 22, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Featuring a collection of volunteer programs led by TLC partners, this inaugural OneTam workday celebration will be taking place rain or shine. Additional participation opportunities will include “Hands on Tam” on January 31, 2015, “Mt. Tam Earth Day” on April 25, 2015, and special programs for National Trails Day on June 6, 2015. For more information on volunteer opportunities, visit OneTam.org/volunteer.
“This collaboration allows all the land managing partners to work together as “Rangers without Borders” for some of the most beautiful and critical open spaces in the Bay Area,” said Frank Dean, General Superintendent of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. “We have the honor of protecting the ecologically rich natural lands as well as managing water as a sustainable public resource,” added Krishna Kumar, General Manager, MMWD.
Encompassing 46,000 acres, or nearly 10 square miles, the area of focus radiates from the 2,574-foot peak of Mt. Tam to include all of Mount Tamalpais State Park, Muir Woods National Monument, and MMWD’s watershed lands on the mountain. It also includes portions of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and several Marin County open space preserves, including Gary Giacomini, White’s Hill, Cascade Canyon, Bald Hill, King Mountain, Blithedale Summit, Camino Alto, Haffee Hill, and Bothin Marsh.
“We are excited to work with our partners on projects and programs that protect the precious natural resources that are vital to the health of the mountain,” said Linda Dahl, General Manager, Marin County Parks. “Mount Tamalpais is one of California’s treasures, and has some of the most beautiful sights and interactive activities for visitors. It is truly unique in its cultural and natural resource value to our state,” added Danita Rodriguez, California State Parks Superintendent. “Being part of an active coalition of supporters whose mission is to protect these lands is something very positive, and we thank everyone involved in advancing these initiatives.”
For more information on the OneTam initiative, and to get involved, visit OneTam.org. To learn more about the TLC partners’ vision for the future of Mt. Tam, visit the OneTam press room to read “One Mountain, One Vision.”
About the Tamalpais Lands Cooperative Partners
California State Parks
The California State Parks are dedicated to providing for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. www.parks.ca.gov.
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
The Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy is the nonprofit membership organization that supports the Golden Gate Recreation Area. Since 1981, the Parks Conservancy has provided support for site transformations, trail improvements, habitat restoration, research and conservation, volunteer and youth engagement, and interpretive and educational programs. In Marin, the Conservancy has restored habitat and trails, engaged youth and volunteers, and managed a variety of wildlife and plant monitoring programs. Learn more at www.parksconservancy.org.
Marin County Parks
Marin County offers an extensive system of regional and community parks, open space preserves, and trails for public use and enjoyment. It is dedicated to educating, inspiring, and engaging the people of Marin in the shared commitment of preserving, protecting, and enriching the natural beauty of Marin's parks and open spaces, and providing recreational opportunities for the enjoyment of all generations. www.marincountyparks.org.
Marin Municipal Water District
Marin Municipal Water District is a public utility providing water to 186,000 people in south and central Marin County, and managing 21,635 acres of watershed lands open to public use. In operation since 1912, MMWD is the oldest municipal water district in California. The district’s mission is to manage natural resources in a sustainable manner and to provide customers with reliable, high quality water at a reasonable price. www.marinwater.org.
National Park Service
The National Park Service (NPS) is a federal agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior charged with managing the preservation and public use of America’s most significant natural, scenic, historic, and cultural treasures. The NPS manages the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, which includes Mount Tamalpais, as well as 401 other park sites across the U.S. www.nps.gov/goga.
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