This year, the fourth year of a five-year reintroduction plan, biologists reintroduced 20 turtles to Rodeo Valley and 14 to Redwood Creek Watershed.
Alexandra Grant / Parks Conservancy
A western pond turtle released at Rodeo Lagoon.
Alex Grant / Parks Conservancy
A Monterey cypress looms over the Golden Gate Bridge at Baker Beach.
Paul Myers / Parks Conservancy
Even during a pandemic, masked One Tam staff and the One Tam Roving ranger greet Mt. Tam visitors (from six feet away, of course).
Robert Mittelstaedt / One Tam
Just what the worlds needs in 2020: Peace.
Ryan Curran White / Parks Conservancy
Taken before the days of social distancing and mask requirements, interns spend the day doing habitat restoration at Crissy Field.
Paul Myers / Parks Conservancy
The sprawling, sandy cliffs of Fort Funston and Ocean Beach, with Mt. Tam looming in the distance.
Ryan Curran White / Parks Conservancy
Taken before COVID precautions, volunteers line up for a “bucket brigade” while restoring the forgotten Black Point Historic Gardens at Fort Mason.
Tonantzin Alcantar Bratt / Parks Conservancy
Crissy Marsh drenched in golden morning light.
Paul Myers / Parks Conservancy
One happy pup leaps with joy on the shores of Rodeo Beach.
Paul Myers / Parks Conservancy
A masked visitor looks back at the island after just touring Alcatraz's outdoor spaces.
Ryan Curran White / Parks Conservancy
The mighty crew restoring the forgotten gardens of Black Point at Fort Mason.
Ryan Curran White / Parks Conservancy
The heartwarming vista of Lands End under a setting sun reminds of how much there is to appreciate about continued access to our public parks.
Russell Bombon / Parks Conservancy
We love how Redwood Creek shimmers in the dappled sunlight at Muir Woods.
Paul Myers / Parks Conservancy
Frank Morse/NPS
The Golden Gate Bridge peeks over the rolling hillsides of the Marin Headlands as Rodeo Lagoon shimmers in the foreground.
Alison Taggart-Barone / Parks Conservancy
A tactile map of Mt. Tam provides visitors with vision impairments an opportunity to interact with the park and experience the landscape.
Paul Myers / Parks Conservancy
Stewardship volunteers smile for the camera during a workday at Muir Woods.
Parks Conservancy
The open space and crisp sea breeze of Ocean Beach are a vast relief from the stress of indoor living.
Russell Bombon / Parks Conservancy
Construction on the Tunnel Tops continues. Essential work for the foundation is wrapping up and soon a layer of horticultural soil will be added for meadows and gardens. The new parkland will open to the community in fall 2021.
James Corner Field Operations
Doing what we love: Staff welcomes Alcatraz visitors to our open Park Store on the island.
Ryan Curran White / Parks Conservancy