Planting Party: Salmon Habitat Enhancement - Hosted by MMW
Host: Marin Municipal Water District
We will be planting native plants in order to help stabilize the banks of the creek. Woody debris structures have recently been installed in the creek at the sites where we will plant, which provide shelter to juvenile salmonids including coho salmon, Chinook salmon and steelhead trout. The native plants that naturally occur adjacent to streams, creeks and rivers - referred to as riparian habitat - not only play an important role in the life cycle of salmonids, they help to support an abundance of other wildlife species as well.
Our efforts to re-vegetate these areas will improve the water quality and overall health of this beloved watershed. We will also have a bird walk during the event, so get ready to brush up on your birding!
Please RSVP and send any questions to volunteerprogram@marinwater.org. Volunteers of all ages are welcome! We're hoping for rain, so come prepared for cold/rainy weather, with a sturdy pair of close-toed shoes or rain boots and extra water. Lunch and some refreshments (including coffee!) will be provided by MMWD. The event will be held rain or shine, but may be cancelled in the case of very heavy rain or high winds.
Call 415-945-1128 on the morning of the event for updated information.
Directions: Parking will be available at 700 Platform Bridge Rd., Point Reyes Station 94956 (Intersection of Sir Francis Drake and Platform Bridge Road). We will meet here at 10 a.m. sharp and volunteers will walk or be shuttled to the planting site just off of the Cross Marin Trail. Carpooling is highly encouraged. Biking the Cross Marin Trail is the most fun way to get to the event!
New volunteers please arrive 15 minutes early for sign-in and orientation.
To pre-register or for more information about the above volunteer events, call 415-945-1128 or e-mail volunteerprogram@marinwater.org or visit our Volunteer page.
For maps to volunteer events and hikes, go to:
Events are subject to cancellation due to weather conditions and fire warnings. Please call 415-945-1128 the morning of the event (after 7:30 a.m.) for cancellation information. Parking passes, when necessary, will be provided.
Please wear close-toed shoes and long pants, dress for variable weather and bring a reusable water bottle. We will provide snacks, water, tools and inspiration!
Trail events are generally suitable for ages 13 and up, and habitat restoration events for ages 8 and up. Volunteers under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
All volunteers under age 18 must have a permission form signed by a parent or guardian. Please contact us for a copy of the form.