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Muir Woods National Monument, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA), and National Park Service (NPS) welcomes Latino Conservation week with a suite of tabling and programs led by Latino park employees. The day's event offerings include tabling conducted by natural resources and its Latino employees from wildlife biology, vegetation restoration, and aquatics. Additional divisions and employees include interpretation and community outreach. There is a planned easy to moderate guided hike through by Muir Woods park rangers (hike details to be announced soon). Visitors can pick up junior ranger books and earn a junior ranger badge and more Muir Woods specific items.
In addition to connecting Latino visitors to Latinos in conservation, goals for the day include helping bridge visitors to their national monument and providing an understanding of how they can connect to their park and the lessons they can take with them back to their communities.
Your support helps fight climate change and promote park sustainability—please give now.