GGRO programs canceled Sunday 10/27 due to forecasted high winds and power shutdown in the Marin Headlands. No Hawk Talk program. Program status for Saturday 10/26 TBD.
Hawk Talks occur every Saturday and Sunday in September and October (except Sep 1, Oct 12 and 13).
The Hawk Talk begins at noon, when a GGRO volunteer speaks about hawk migration and identification, and what we do here at the GGRO. Conditions permitting, a banding volunteer will bring up a newly banded hawk, talk about the banding program, and release the hawk in front of the crowd. It’s a great way to learn about hawks and see one up close!
You do not have to RSVP – just show up on the hill. Look for the big banner just west of the main Hawkwatching platform on the very top of Hawk Hill. The docent will gather everyone by announcing that the talk will begin in a few minutes. We recommend that you arrive at Hawk Hill by 11 am (or earlier) to find parking, watch some hawks, then listen to the talk. On busy, beautiful fall days, be sure to leave plenty of time in case you end up having to park farther down the hill.