The iPhone camera is more powerful and versatile today as a $6,000 DSLR was only a few years ago. The built in camera is terrific and third party apps take the camera to new levels. In this class you learn to make use of this camera to produce professional quality images. We will cover the essential photography techniques and how to capture imaginative and eye-catching photographs. This class will cover not only shooting great photos, but how to enhance them in the native iPhone app to make them “pop”. In addition, we will cover some of the third party apps that complement the iPhone camera. This class is led by Doc Miles (professional photographer and volunteer).
Note: This meeting space is west of the Warming Hut and parking is free during the week in this area.
Please note: Park Academy classes are meant as a special perk for volunteers, members, and employees. If you do not work for the Golden Gate National Parks, are not a member, or have not volunteered with us in the past year, a donation is encouraged. Volunteer or become a member today!