Membership Event: Introduction to Nature Journaling with John Muir Laws


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Tue, Mar 25, 2025 6:00pm-7:30pm
  • Tours
John Muir Laws looking through binoculars

Keeping an illustrated, observational journal is a centuries-old method that has been reenvisioned and refined through the lens of our understanding of neuroscience, learning, and deliberate practice. A nature journal is a lens that focuses our attention and crystalizes our observations, thoughts, and experiences. If you are looking for a good way to start journaling, this is it!

This program will be led by John Muir Laws, a principal leader and innovator of the worldwide nature journaling movement. He is a naturalist, artist, and educator who has dedicated his work to connecting people to nature through art and science.

Attendees automatically give permission for the Conservancy to use any photos taken at the event for marketing purposes and/or the website. 

This event is for Parks Conservancy members only. If you are not a member, please join here

Registration open now. 

603 Mason Street
San Francisco, CA 94129 ,

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Tue, 03/25/2025 6:00PM-7:30PM

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