This class will look beyond the prison walls of Alcatraz to the natural wonders of the island. Nine different waterbird species breed on Alcatraz during the summer months, the easiest to see being gulls, cormorants, pigeon guillemots, snowy egrets and black-crowned night herons. Waterbird docent, Corny Foster, will lead the group on a bird walk around the island to discuss the history of the island, how these birds got to the island after the prison closed, their breeding ecology, threats to the populations, and what the park is doing (and what you can do!) to help protect the birds. Participants will be able to see various waterbirds up close on nests and tending to young chicks. While not required, participants are welcome to bring binoculars. Several pairs of binoculars and spotting scopes will also be available on the island.
Attendees of the tour will take the 8:20 am (free) staff boat to Alcatraz where the tour will start. The tour will be about two hours.
For a map to the meeting location, click here >>
Please note: Park Academy classes are meant as a special perk for volunteers, members, and employees. If you do not work for the Golden Gate National Parks, are not a member, or have not volunteered with us in the past year, a donation is encouraged. Volunteer or become a member today!