
Habitat Restoration in Tennessee Valley
Stinson Beach Parking Lot
Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Habitat Restoration in Tennessee Valley
Gerbode Trailhead Parking Lot
Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Habitat Restoration in Tennessee Valley
Coyote Ridge - Vista de Valle
Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Habitat Restoration in Tennessee Valley
Willow Camp Trailhead
Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Trail Stewardship Volunteers
Battery Alexander Trailhead and Parking Lot
Join the Golden Gate Trail Crew and help repair, maintain and enhance trails in the Golden Gate National Parks.
Teens Volunteering with Stewardship Trails Program
Ocean Beach - Stairwell # 5
Take a break from the classroom in the great outdoors with Teens on Trails!
Introduction to Seed Collection and Cleaning, Park Academy
Presidio Native Plant Nursery
Come and get hands-on with our precious native seeds! Robin Binaoro (Associate Manager, Presidio Nursery) and Stacy Jacobsen (Seed Collection Program Manager) will be discussing the fundamentals of seed collection and cleaning!
Marin Municipal Water District Office
During this event, we will teach you about the Wildlife Picture Index (WPI) and you will participate in the cataloging and identification of wildlife.
Shot of Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field Area
Presidio Building 989
Led by Doc Miles, a professional photographer and one of our talented park volunteer photographers, this class will help you get the most out of your phone camera (specifically iPhone camera).
Nature Journal Club, Watercolor Pencils for Botanical Painting
Our Work
Presidio Building 989
Join the Nature Journal Club for a 1.5 hour workshop on an important fundamental skill in building your field sketching skills! June's workshop will be taught by Claudia Stevens and will focus on using watercolor pencils in creating botanical paintings.