
Golden Gate Maintenance Volunteers
Stilwell Hall
Help with vegetation management and site improvements at Sutro Heights and along the San Francisco shoreline.
Battery Chamberlin at Baker Beach
Battery Chamberlin
How can a 50-ton gun simply disappear? Learn this and other facts while helping load and aim the last operational gun of its kind.
We will be planting native plants in order to help stabilize the banks of the creek. Woody debris structures have recently been installed in the creek at the sites where we will plant, which provide shelter to juvenile salmonids including coho salmon, Chinook salmon and steelhead trout.
Sunny day at Point Bonita Lighthouse
Lighthouse Trailhead
Discover how Point Bonita provided safe passage through the treacherous Golden Gate and experience the last manned lighthouse on the Pacific Coast.
Enjoy an easy, two-mile stroll along Pacifica's Milagra Ridge--former gun emplacement, Nike missile site, and now the last stand for a quarter-sized endangered butterfly.
Ranger Desiree will be sharing some of her culture through basket-weaving. She will share plant knowledge and more on the background of her Ohlone ancestry. Join her in the Presidio Visitor Center program area and take home your very own basket.
The BayWood Artists are excited to be celebrating our 20th anniversary this year. We're delighted to be partnering with One Tam for the second year in a row, exhibiting over 100 original oil and water color paintings by 10 artists.
Open reference hours for the GGNRA Park Archives.
Enjoy a hike around this reservoir area through a lovely mixed forest with healthy shrubs and wildflowers underneath.
This interactive public discussion with One Tam partners will be a great opportunity to learn about what's happening on Mount Tamalpais and One Tam's work plan for the upcoming year!