Join us for an online community conversation about planning for future sea level rise at Bothin Marsh and the Mill-Valley Sausalito Multi-Use Path.
What role can you play in scientific research and monitoring on Mt. Tam?
Presidio Visitor Center
Join us May 28th at 2 PM PDT for an online conversation with Academy Head Librarian and Archivist Rebekah Kim and National Park Service Archivist Amanda Williford about how we preserve history for the future.
Wondering what’s growing on Mt. Tam while we shelter-in-place? Join One Tam science expert Rachel Kesel to discover some of the tiny and tough plants growing on Mt. Tam’s rocky serpentine soils.
Presidio Native Plant Nursery
Come learn the secrets of cloning plants by cutting off branches and encouraging them to root! Meghan Steinharter (Fort Funston and Oceana Nurseries Manager) and Robin Binaoro (Associate Nursery Manager) will discuss the science behind clonal propagation.
Presidio Main Post Transit Center
The Main Post encompasses more history than another other site within Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Learn about Spanish colonial settlers, 1906 refugees, U.S. Army history from 1846 to 1995, and a dizzying variety of military architecture.
Chip Trail at Fort Funston Road
The Park Stewardship team will lead a leisurely walk along the cliffs of Fort Funston and share the folklore, medicinal uses and biology of the flowers. Spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean and a new appreciation for spring wildflowers in San Francisco are guaranteed!
Presidio Visitor Center
Join us for a special insider’s view of the Presidio Tunnel Tops project, which will create 14 acres of new parkland on top of the Presidio Parkway (Doyle Drive) tunnels.
Presidio Visitor Center
Join us for a special insider’s view of the Presidio Tunnel Tops project, which will create 14 acres of new parkland on top of the Presidio Parkway (Doyle Drive) tunnels.
El Polin Spring
Join us for a walk through the Presidio with expert David Harelson to learn about the Presidio’s wildlife management strategies.