
Stewardship Intern at Work
Muir Beach parking lot
Become a Park Steward and help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat in Marin
Stewardship Intern at Work
Alta Avenue Trail Head
Become a Park Steward and help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat in Marin
This volunteer program is currently on pause and not hosting weekly/monthly events. Please view our active events calendar to browse available volunteer opportunities in the parks. From Muir Beach to Oakwood Valley, help us restore critical habitat for endangered species, including the Coho salmon and Mission blue butterfly.
Alcatraz Historic Gardens Volunteers
When: Wednesdays and Thursday, 8 am–Noon | Help restore and maintain gardens once tended by the island’s military and penitentiary residents, bringing living color and vibrancy to the Rock.
April 30, 2009
Crissy Field Center will honor four Bay Area individuals and collaborative groups with its annual Community Heroes Award on Saturday, May 2.
MLK Day of Service
Park E-Ventures Article
Critters might crawl into a hole and hibernate through the winter, but that’s no reason for you to do the same! Learn about some fun activities that you and your family can enjoy in the coming days and weeks…it’s our “hot list” for the cold months!
National Park Rangers at Work in Tennessee Valley
When: Sundays, 9:30 am–2:30 pm | Where: Marin, locations vary | Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Volunteer Kendra Armer releases an American Kestrel
The Golden Gate Raptor Observatory's mission is to inspire the preservation of California raptor populations. The GGRO was formed in the early 1980s to track the Golden Gate migration, an annual flight of tens of thousands of hawks, eagles, falcons, and vultures, birds collectively called “raptors.”
Teens Working on Batteries to Bluffs Trail
This volunteer program is currently on pause and not hosting weekly/monthly events. Please view our active events calendar to browse available volunteer opportunities in the parks. Just for teens – this is a great way to explore your local national park, meet other Bay Area teens, and help restore trails.
Volunteers transplant toyon at the Presidio Nursery
When: Wednesdays (commitment required) and one Saturday per month | Where: Presidio Nursery | Learn to grow and care for native plants from seed, while helping to preserve and restore your national park.