
May 5, 2016
Wildlife cameras installed in Mt. Tam’s open spaces a year and a half ago have begun revealing some surprising things about the mountain’s furry residents.
California red-legged frog
Our Work
Staff of the Parks Conservancy and National Park Service teamed up to restore the frog's critical habitat at Mori Point, and now they've returned to document the success of these restoration efforts. Find out what they discovered!
sea lion
Park E-Ventures Article
In honor of the upcoming Rio Olympics, we asked: Which animals are the best swimmers, divers, and fliers in these parklands and waters? They’re competing tooth-and-nail (and claw-and-tail) to claim the “gold” at Golden Gate! Find out which species stand atop the podium.
Humpback Whale
Park E-Ventures Article
In May 2016, just outside the Golden Gate (and off the coast of our Golden Gate National Parks), humpback whales were gathering in record numbers—and blue whales were making extremely rare spring appearances. What explains this massing of these mammoth mammals?
Mission Blue Butterfly
Park E-Ventures Article
In April 2016, a team of scientists hatched a daring plan to save some endangered mission blue butterflies from a Milagra Ridge site ravaged by a plant pathogen. See how—and why—they relocated a couple of endangered butterflies to another spot on Milagra.
Coho salmon release
Park E-Ventures Article
With Redwood Creek coho salmon on the brink of disappearing, biologists launched a last-ditch attempt to save them: harvesting local fish, raising them to reproductive maturity at a hatchery, and then returning them to the wild. In December, the first captive-raised coho were released.
Western Snowy Plover
Park E-Ventures Article
In January 2016, a record number of Western snowy plovers were spotted at Ocean Beach. What are some possible reasons for this sky-high count? Read the latest on park monitoring of these threatened species—and learn what you can do to help their chances of survival.
sea lion
Park E-Ventures Article
The Marine Mammal Center, based at Fort Cronkhite, rescued 1,800 animals in 2015—three times the average. Learn about one culprit, domoic acid, and how it’s produced, how seals and sea lions are affected, and why El Niño exacerbates its effects.
Park E-Ventures Article
Media have been buzzing about recent great white shark sightings in the area. But we went to find out the truth about these mysterious (and unfairly maligned) fish, by asking noted biologists such as Parks Conservancy Trustee Dr. John McCosker.
Small butterfly with open, bronze-colored wings, becoming blue towards her abdomen
Park E-Ventures Article
It’s mission blue butterfly season in the Golden Gate National Parks, and you can catch a glimpse of this endangered species at Milagra Ridge. Learn about this diminutive butterfly—and the plant upon which its survival depends.