Park E-Ventures Article
Sunlight might be in short supply during the winter months, but your parks have a bright season ahead. Celebrate the new decade by maximizing your time in the parks.
Park E-Ventures Article
November 20, 1969. That day marked the beginning of the Occupation of Alcatraz by the Indians of All Tribes, a key milestone in the history of the island, our country, and the broader Native American civil rights movement.
Park E-Ventures Article
Golden Gate National Recreation Area has achieved carbon-neutral park operations. But what does that really mean? Let's break down what goes in to our park's carbon footprint, take stock of what we've accomplished so far, and think about where to go from here in our continuing effort towards sustainability.
The national parks have a never-ending “to-do” list, and a great portion of this list is taken on by our amazing volunteers. This season we’re pointing a spotlight on a very special volunteer who has been working with us for almost six years!
Are diverse communities stronger communities? It is not as simple as you think.
Watch this televised special to learn about the parks’ strong foundations and bright future welcoming all who want to bask in their beauty. Or watch just to enjoy some of that beauty from afar!
Gateways Article
In the fall of 2019, a special project launched at Muir Woods to help save endangered coho salmon. Redwood Renewal involves removing large boulders (“rip-rap”) from Redwood Creek and adding fallen trees and branches to create small pools for juvenile coho salmon to thrive.
Gateways Article
Youth at the Crissy Field Center have become podcasting pros, and you can hear their work on your way to work!
Chris Lehnertz was honored with the Fran P. Mainella Award by the Clemson University Institute for Parks in recognition of her long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion in our nation’s parks.
Give a gift that feels good with one of our award-winning fog globes.
Gateways Article
Fort Mason is a popular destination for history buffs, weekend revelers, and everyone in between. It’s a refuge on San Francisco’s northern waterfront, providing exceptional views of the larger San Francisco Bay.
Gateways Article
Here’s an insider’s guide to some of our favorite hidden gems of the GGNRA. From secret beaches to undiscovered redwood groves, these spots provide a chance to get into nature and steer clear of the crowds.