Laura Young is a Texas native who completed her BS in Biology from UT Austin, where she conducted research on mate preference and gene flow in tropical butterflies. She then joined the Animal Behavior program at UC Davis, and finished her MSc in 2008 studying antipredator behavior of California ground squirrels.
Laura joined the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory as a volunteer bander in 2010, while participating in a wildlife management internship through the Park Service on Alcatraz Island. On Alcatraz, Laura coordinated the Waterbird Interpretive Program and facilitated natural resource projects on the island. She continued as a volunteer bander while working full time for the U.S. Geological Survey, where she assisted with field studies of the effect of mercury contamination on songbirds and waterbirds.
After becoming GGRO Operations Manager in July 2014, Laura is now responsible for all office and library organization, program communications, recruiting and managing volunteers, and editing our newsletters. She also supports ongoing research projects and assists with website and computer management.