At One Glance: Many Volunteer Feats, Many Thanks


Volunteers at work

The Parks Conservancy, National Park Service, and Presidio Trust would like to extend a huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every one of our park volunteers. You give the Golden Gate National Parks the most precious gifts of all—your time, your energy, your care, your dedication.

And you give these gifts generously and selflessly, throughout the year, and year after year. As volunteers, you have supported nearly every aspect of managing these parks. And through your considerable TLC, these national parks continue to be a spectacular destination and resource for all.

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so eloquently said, “Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

In 2014, you generated some truly impressive numbers (see our new summary infographic, compiled and designed by Maria Durana). Incredibly, volunteers at Golden Gate contribute more than 10% of the total hours contributed by all volunteers across the entire National Park Service!

While the metrics and statistics are indeed impressive, it is each individual, each family, and each group that volunteers their time that give these numbers meaning and significance. Whether it’s your first time volunteering or your 25th consecutive year, whether you were able to offer a few hours or thousands of hours—we are tremendously thankful to every one of you for every moment. Each of you has made a positive impact that contributes to the fundamental health and enduring preservation of these parks.

Consider yourselves being virtually hugged from all of us who work in the parks, enjoy the parks, and cherish the parks! We treasure your gifts and are honored and grateful that you choose to share them with us and these beloved national parklands.

New to volunteering? We’d love to give you an introduction. Please contact us at (415) 561-3044 or, or visit

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